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এক ইঞ্চি জমিও অনাবাদি থাকবে না----------

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১। সাম্প্রতিক বন্যার ক্ষয়ক্ষতি পুষিয়ে নিতে ২০২৪-২৫ অর্থবছরে খরিফ-২ মৌসুমে ৮০০০ জন কৃষক/কৃষাণীকে রোপা আমন পুনর্বাসন দেওয়া হয়েছে। ২। সাম্প্রতিক বন্যার ক্ষয়ক্ষতি পুষিয়ে নিতে ২০২৪-২৫ অর্থবছরে রবি মৌসুমে গম-২০০, ভূট্টা-২০০, সরিষা-১০০০, চিনাবাদাম-২০০, ফেলন-২০০ ও শীতকালীন সবজি-৫০০০ জন কৃষক/কৃষাণীকে পুনর্বাসন দেওয়া হচ্ছে। ৩। ২০২৪-২৫ অর্থবছরে খরিফ-২ মৌসুমে অতিবৃষ্টি, বন্যা ও উজান থেকে নেমে আসা পাহাড়ী ঢলে ক্ষতিগ্রস্থ ১২০০০ জন ক্ষুদ্র ও প্রান্তিক কৃষকের মাঝে বিনামূল্যে মাঠে চাষযোগ্য বিভিন্ন হাইব্রিড জাতের শীতকালীন সবজি বীজ, সার ও নগদ অর্থ সহায়তা প্রদান। ৪। ২০২৪-২৫ অর্থবছরে রবি মৌসুমের বোরো উফশী ধানের উৎপাদন বৃদ্ধির লক্ষ্যে ৩০০০০ জন উপকারভোগী  ক্ষুদ্র ও প্রান্তিক কৃষকের মাঝে বিনামূল্যে বীজ ও সার  সহায়তা প্রদান

How do you get service

How do you get service
1.1 Technical Support
• Transfer on agricultural technologies to farmers (Technology Transfer).
• Exhibit plots, celebration of the celebration of the feast, agrarian event, inspiration travel etc.
1.2 Assistance in the production of quality seeds
• Provide necessary counseling on improved seed technology through prescribed progressive farmers, to properly preserve the seeds produced and to distribute among other farmers.
1.3 Assistance in obtaining agricultural loans
• Assistance in obtaining agricultural credit from government and non-governmental organizations.
• Assistance in formulating crop production planning in favor of obtaining agricultural credit.
• To inform farmers about the credit facilities and applicable interest rates.
1.4 Agriculture Information and Communication Technology Support
• Any information related to agriculture, consultation and technology, access to agricultural workers, peasants and the general public.
1.5 integrated extension services
Expansion services through coordination with the Department of Agricultural Extension and various government, private and research institutions.
1.6 Training provided
• Training farmers in hands-on about advanced agricultural technology.
1.7 Assistance for agricultural rehabilitation
• Providing agricultural input assistance to recover the damage caused by flood, drought and other natural calamities.
2.0 Farmer's Advice
Assistance in agricultural subsidies and production
• Distribution of government subsidized subsidiaries to farmers in order to increase the production of agricultural inputs in the farmers' purchasing power and to reduce the cost of production.
03 Licensing of fertilizer dealer and pesticides license
3.1 Dealer and Retail Fertilizer Dealers Deployed
• One (01) BCIC fertilizer dealer from every union and one (01) retailer for recruitment in every ward is arranged.
3.2 License of retail and wholesale dealer of pesticides
4.0 Fertilizer Monitoring
4.1 To take appropriate steps for reaching the hike of adulterated fertilizer farmers on fair value.
4.1.1 Management to ensure supply of fertilizers as per crop requirement.
4.2 Pesticide Monitoring
কের Pesticide quality and market control.
না Acquisition of illegal pesticides samples and legal system to be sent to the laboratory.
5. Encouragement Program to increase crop production
5.1 LCC Usage
• Using leaf color charts, to advise farmers about the use of urea fertilizer at the right level in rice crops.
Use 5.2 grams of urea
◊ Applying Gutiyuria to the farmers in the field of urea fertilizer in rice crops
5.3 Cleanliness of the soil
• To advise and assist farmers on balanced fertilizer application, biological application and grains in soil health service.
• Recommend fertilizer application by determining the quantity of farm-based fertilizers in the Soil Soil Development Institute's laboratory and Mobile Soil Testing.
• Providing the necessary technical assistance to the farmers in biomass, vermicompost, fertilizer preparation and use.
5.4 Integrated pest management
Effective training and counseling to prevent crop diseases and insects by using environmentally friendly ways through IPM and ICM Club.
6.0 Irrigation Management
• Training and counseling on irrigation management technologies.
• Farmers' emotions in irrigation water use for irrigation.
• Suggesting farmers to use AWD (Alternate Wet & Dry) mechanism for water application.
7.0 Advice on tackling natural disaster
Provide technical assistance to the farmers in the face of flood, drought and other natural disasters
8.0 Vegetable farming in the homestead
• Providing necessary counseling in the cultivation of vegetables in farmer's house.
9.0 Cultivation and management
• Encouraging farmers and providing necessary counseling for the production of advanced domestic and foreign fruit gardens.
• Provide necessary counseling to farmers in the fruit garden management.
10.0 Use of modern agricultural machinery
By using modern agricultural machinery, it helps to improve the living conditions of the farmers by producing lesser cost.